Trade Spaces

General Charges
Trade Sites Outside - $80.00 for 4-metre frontage (minimum required)
Public Liability Cover:
Public liability for trade space holders to be a minimum of $20M. Please ensure that any reference to Public Liability cover on your forms notes a minimum amount of $20M.
a) For Business/Commercial Stallholders: Defined as those who are a commercial enterprise and have an ABN. These stallholders must have their insurance policy with a minimum $20M Public Liability cover and provide a copy of their certificate of currency to the Show. They cannot access the Show’s public liability insurance in any manner.
b) For Hobbyist Stallholders: Defined as those who are not running a formal commercial enterprise nor have an ABN and they earn under $20,000 per year from their stall activity. Those Hobbyist Stallholders who meet this definition are required to sign the declaration on the booking form and are automatically covered under the Show’s insurance cover for Public Liability. The ASC’s Public Liability insurance does not extend to Hobbyists in any manner for any Products Liability exposure.
1 All entry fees must be forwarded with entry forms or paid online otherwise the entry will not be accepted.
2 Stallholders booking online must also complete the Trade Space Booking Form and forward this to Louise Gibbs.
3 Exhibits, other than livestock, should be at the Society’s grounds the day before the exhibition, or, at any rate, not later than 8:00 am on the first day.
4 The sum of $40.00 qualifies for membership of the Society.
5 The Exhibition is open to all comers, except where specially provided to the contrary.
6 Exhibitors who have entered in a Section, except Section A, who find they are unable to compete, are requested to notify the Secretary at least on the day previous to the opening of the Show to enable the Stewards to make arrangements.
Side Shows
The controlling of Side Shows is in the rules of the Showmen’s Guild and is also under the supervision of the Grounds Steward, Louise Gibbs.