Crookwell Show
The 146th Annual Crookwell Show will be held on 8th & 9th February 2025.
Join us for a wonderful day out for the whole family!
Opening Hours
Saturday 9am-Late
Sundays 9am-5pm

Buy Show Tickets
Showground Lane, Goulburn Street and East Street
Crookwell NSW 2583
P: 0491 373 246
$15.00 - Adults
$ 5.00 - Age Pensioners
$ 5.00 - High School Children
Free - Primary School Children
$35.00 - 2 day Family Pass (2 adults + 2 high school-age children)
Transport Arrangements
Transport Arrangements for 2025 Crookwell Show
The ONLY car park for showgoers is on Todkill Park, entry to the show is via the East Street gate.
FREE parking will be available on Todkill Park with entrance to the show through the East Street gate.
A FREE bus service will be running on both show days. Please call Wendy on 0428 321 178, for pick up at your home in Crookwell or from the Spring Street bus stop.
Drop off will be outside the Show Office. Return pick up will be from outside the Show Office.

Catering facilities will be found in various locations on the grounds.
Dining Room Catering - Sandwiches, Slices, Tea and Coffee, Cold Drinks and Sweets
St Mary's Primary School Barbeque Tent - Egg and Bacon Rolls, Steak and Onion Sandwiches, Sausage Sandwiches
No alcohol is to be brought onto the Showground
Michael Lowe
Mobile 0407 552 619
Rosemary Seary
Mobile 0491 373 246
P O Box 13
Crookwell NSW 2583
​Email: secretary@crookwellshow.com
Groundsperson: Louise Gibbs - phone 0498 009 040
Website: www.crookwellshow.com.au
The President and Committee wish to sincerely thank our sponsors. You have all helped to make the Crookwell Show possible.