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Office Bearers & Committee 2024-2025

President:  Michael Lowe


Senior Vice President: Maryellen McCormack 

Vice Presidents: Louise Gibbs, Nathan Haynes, Ken McCallum & Ann Goodsell

Public Officer:  Paul Culhane

Secretary:  Rosemary Seary - P O Box 13, Crookwell 2583 Phone 0419 624 282, Showground 0487 863 289

Treasurer: Paul Culhane

Events/Grounds Coordinator: Louise Gibbs​

Website Manager: Sarah Lowe


Patrons: John Culley, Allan McCormack Snr, Beatrice Williams, Reta Beattie, Bill Bensley and Paul Anderson


Sub Committee Executives

Flock Ewe Competition: Shannon Arnall, Michael Lowe, Caspar McDonald

Shannon Arnall, Peter Banfield, John Bensley, William Bensley, Brad Cartwright , Paul Culhane,
John Culley, Norm Fountain, Kim George, Louise Gibbs, Sam Handley, Ken Hewitt, Tony Hewitt, Rod Hoare, Bernie Hogan, Ken Ikin, Michael Lowe, Pauline MacLaren, Ken McCallum, Maryellen McCormack, John McCue, Roger McIntosh, Katrina Nixon, Phil Price, Paul Seary, Beatrice Williams

Honorary Life Members
Denny Anderson, Paul Anderson, Reta Beattie, William Bensley, Les Blowes, Don Campbell, Becky Charnock, Stan Charnock, Jan Culley, John Culley, Lorna Dent, Kim George, Beverley Hall, Pam Haynes, Kenneth Hewitt, Tony Hewitt, Bernie Hogan, Joan Huthwaighte, Allan McCormack, John McCue, Roger McIntosh, Erica Mills, Phillip Price, Maria Small

Past Honorary Life Members
Pat Abbey, E A (Ted) Abbey, Fred G Aldridge, A J Arnall, Elaine Barrett, Arthur Benson,
Dot Billingham, O (Pierce) Campbell, Mrs J Castles, Les Churchill, Mrs N Churchill,
Ernie G Clements, Ted Collins, Alice Cramp, S A Cullen, J T Dooley, Jack Druett,
Bessie Ford, Albert Glanville, Tom Glanville, Mrs M Harvey, Anesty Hewitt, Goff Hewitt,
Cecil C Hewitt, John Keith, Wm J Kadwell, Edith Keith, Mrs K Kelly, Sid Kensit, C H Levy, E R Macauley, A A McIntosh, Eric G McIntosh, Mrs G Miller, T O Nicholson,
Mrs L K Nicholson, Noel Nicholson, H J Pedley, Charlie W Plumb, J Plumb, Sid Plumb,
H J Seaman, Bob Spackman, W P Stephenson, Arthur Swanson, Jean Todkill, Mrs J Waugh,
J C Weatherspoon, C M Williams



Past Presidents of the Crookwell A. P. & H Society


Crookwell A. P. & H. Show

P.O. Box 13

Showground Lane,

Goulburn Street and East Street

Crookwell NSW 2583

0491 373 246

© 2024 by Sarah Lowe


The A. P & H Society Secretary can be contacted on 0491 373 246 by completing the form below.

Our Grounds Coordinator can be contacted on 0498 009 040.


Thanks for submitting!

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